Merit Award Winner – FCAL Virtual Show

Merit Award Winner – FCAL Virtual Show

I am happy to announce my portrait of Amanda Gorman received a merit award from Jacksonville, FL judge, Robert Leedy at the Flagler County Art League’s virtual show, Heroes, Heroines and Heroic Acts. The show is online from April 17 until June 12, 2021.

Judge’s comments: We all remember this talented young woman and her insightful prose. Apart from the well-painted face and hands of the figure, the yellow jacket pulls at my attention. I remember admiring the jacket when I saw her. It is very painterly. The range of hues, values and intensities within the yellow are nice. Look at her left hand and jacket sleeve and the resulting shadow: this is my favorite part of the painting which serves as a way to draw attention to the secondary focus (the first, obviously the face) which is her hand in a very gestural, uplifting position that echoes her message.

The entries are amazingly diverse and creative. Please have a look when you can!

Strawbridge Art League – VISION 2020

Strawbridge Art League – VISION 2020

With the pandemonium surrounding scheduling of events during the pandemic we all have experience the cancellation and rescheduling of many significant events. Finally a bit of normalcy although the date is far from usual the show must go on!!

I am happy to announce two paintings have been accepted into VISION 2020, to be on display at Foosaner Art Museum from November 6, 2020 until December 19, 2020. One of the paintings, titled Lilies for Laura is not my usual—a large landscape inspired by Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Gainesville, FL. My mother and I always said we would visit together but we never had the opportunity before she passed away. She volunteered there often and I was delighted to finally get to visit and commemorate the trip and her with this painting. The second is a striking portrait of a friend I met on social media, a beautiful model in Africa titled Native Colors.

Please support our museum and have a look at some amazing work!